Highway and Traffic Engineering Training:

Our team of experienced highway engineers are able to provide the one day courses listed below.

  1. Roundabout Analysis using ARCADY.
  2. Introduction to urban highway design using Bentley InRoads.
  3. LINSIG.
  4. Highway Drainage Design in London.
  5. Underground Utility Investigations for Highway Designers.
  6. AutoCAD for Highway Engineers and Technicians.
  7. Checking of topographical surveys for accuracy.
  8. Design of Collision Reduction Measures.
  9. Statistical Evaluation of Collision Reduction Measures.

With the exception of course no.7 which is for half a day, all courses are one day courses.

Course fees: £500 per person per day.

Dates: please contact us for dates.

For further details on the above listed courses please email enquiries@surreypeak.co.uk